MJM Engineering Company

Numerical Solutions Using Complutational Fluid Mechanics

Thermal Management Consulting of Electronics

MJM Engineering Company is a full service engineering firm specialized in the cooling of electronics and telecommunication components and systems. Please contact us via phone or email for all your consulting needs


We now offer computer thermal modeling on electronics and telecom applications

If you know what you need to model but do not have the software to do it, let us here at MJM engineering develop and run your model in CFD software.

Services provided:

  • Develop the model

  • Debug/refine the model

  • Run as many cases as necessary or requested

  • Develop a summary report with thermal and velocity maps, etc.

  • Formats that canbe read: IGES, CAD, AC3D, etc


    20 hours USD 125/hour
    21-30 hours USD 115/hour
    31-100 hours USD 95/hour
    100 and above USD 90/hour

(expert consulting services that are not CFD modeling are available at higher rates See Our consulting services page)

Please contact us via phone or email for all your consulting needs

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We design heat sinks to your specifications.

Please send us an email with your name, company, phone, fax and email address and we will contact you in a day or two

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Expert Witness Services in Thermal Engineering for Product Liability,Patents and Intellectual Property
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