CFD Consulting
Thermal Modeling Services
If you know what you need to model but do not have the software to do it, let us here at MJM engineering develop and run your model in CFD software.
Services Provided:
Develop the model
Debug/refine the model
Run as many cases as necessary or requested
Develop a summary report with thermal and velocity maps, etc.
- Formats that can be read: IGES, CAD, AC3D, STEP files ( *.stp, *.step),
Design and Development of Thermal Management Systems using:
- State-of-the-Art Thermal Analysis CFD Computer Software
- Selection of the CFD and other Thermal Management Software
- Enhanced Natural Convection, Pool Boiling, Spray Cooling
- Heat Pipes Impingement Cooling Heat Exchanger Design
- Phase Change Materials (PCM) PCM Heat Exchangers
- Liquid Cooling Space Applications Radiative Cooling
- Cryo/Cold Electronics Cryocoolers Cryogenic Research
- Thermoelectric System Design and Development
- Microchannel and Conventional Heat Sink Design and Development
- Material Processing Modeling
- Testing and Evaluation of Thermal Management System
- Arrangement of Research Projects for Cooling of Electronics
- Central Office, NEBS, Card Cages, Racks, Shelves
- CATV/Wireless/PCS Base Stations and Enclosure for Battery Systems and Compartment
- Large to Small Enclosure Cooling Using:
- Air Conditioning, Heat Exchangers, Phase Change Materials
- PCM Cooled Telecom Shelters and Enclosures for Battery